「Sustainable Business Systems and Academia-Industry Collaboration」
響應聯合國永續發展教育 及 MIT 所發起的Systems Thinking/System Dynamics世界大學教育聯盟及全球系列論壇。
iiLABs產業創新研究院顏敏仁院長 主持,台北海洋科技大學 林憶青助理教授、大鄴企業股份有限公司 翁仁銘總經理 共同與談,歡迎您一起來參與,聆聽寶貴的卓越經驗與豐富學識,深度共學成長!!
The Taiwan Chapter of the System Dynamics Society presents a seminar series on System Dynamics and Applications on Sustainable System Development. We aim to bring more Chinese speaking SD educators and learners together with this seminar series and share more recent developments from Taiwan Chapter.
Session Chair:
Prof. Min-Ren Yan, President of the Taiwan Chapter of the System Dynamics Society.
Practitioner’s Case Presentation:
。Asst. Prof. Yi-Ching Lin, Taipei University of Marine Technology Strategy.Dynamics Analyst
。 Jen-Ming Weng, General Manager, Dayeh Holding Enterprise Co. Ltd. Strategy Dynamics Analyst